The story of
La Pomme

”… the glass has become something that I’m very proud of and happy with. Together the Swedish apples, the ice cider and the fact that the glass is produced at Skrufs glasbruk, one of Swedens finest glass producers, creates strong connections that enhances the sense of place that the ice cider conveys.”

Ingegerd Råman, Designer

La Pomme, twin pack, 495 SEK

La Pomme Ice Cider glass (height 12 cm)
Design: Ingegerd Råman

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The story of La Pomme

As a way to weave together the experience we want to convey of our ice cider we approached world renowned Swedish glass designer Ingegerd Råman to ask if she would design a glass, specifically for our ice cider. A glass that would make the experience of drinking Brännland Iscider into a whole.

From the apples, through our hands, into the bottle and finally, as presented to the person enjoying it. We approached Ingegerd because one of her central ideas is that the experience of food and drink is enhanced further if presented in a context of beauty.

Ingegerd agreed to take on the job and after discussions and tastings with some of Swedens foremost wine journalists and sommeliers she presented La Pomme.

La Pomme, The apple, is designed to interact with and counterpoint Brännland Iscider. As a sensory carrier it lifts the characteristic acidity of Brännland Iscider without losing any of the deep apple sweetness that is the essence of it. The shape of the glass is reminiscent of a small apple and it’s low profile counterpoints the slender shape of the bottle. A reminder of what ice cider consists of, apples. A combination of earth and elegance.

At Skrufs glasbruk in Småland, Sweden, Ingegerds vision of La Pomme is realised. Every glass is handblown and unique. Use La Pomme to enjoy your ice cider as part of a meal or as a vessel of mediation, one small sip at a time, in silence, on your own or with a loved one.

La Pomme can be baught online from our Swedish web shop. For internation requests, please contact Tove Franzén.

Ingegerd Råman about La Pomme

“What attracted me to this project was in part Andreas Sundgrens description of his ambitions with Brännland Icecider and in part the shape and presentation of the ice cider bottle. A tall, slender bottle, an uncovered neck with the cork showing and a small apple twig printed on the cork.

There was a poetry, a nakedness, in the presentation that sent a strong message of honesty. The image and the essence of the apple caught in the bottle, awoke my curiosity.

To take on a new project it has to make me curious, there has to be an element of learning for myself. The process of shaping a glass together with Brännland Cider and Swedish sommeliers filled those criteria and I started working with this glass, that became La Pomme.

The shape became round and small, lightly closed, glass something that I learned in conversation with the sommeliers would be the best shape for the ice cider.

I also wanted La Pomme to be in some way proportionate to the bottle it comes in. Glass and bottle together creates contrast and stringency between the tall shape and the short, round shape of the glass.

And the glass has become something that I’m very proud of and happy with. Together the Swedish apples, the ice cider and the fact that the glass is produced at Skrufs glasbruk, one of Swedens finest glass producers, creates strong connections that enhances the sense of place that the ice cider conveys.

La Pomme is a glass that is very close to my heart.”

La Pomme, twin pack, 495 SEK

La Pomme Ice Cider glass (height 12 cm)
Design: Ingegerd Råman

Buy – to purchase request

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